Topic Workshop

The Topic Workshop takes place once a year and is intended to coordinate multidisciplinary research, achieve cross-project scientific results and better present research results externally.

2022 Topic Workshop in Bremen

In this year's SPP 1158 Topic Workshop, we aim to identify research topics and plan the first SPP-guided Antarctic Polarstern expedition, which is envisaged for early 2028. The SPP Topic Workshop is planned for May 24th, 2024, following the SCAR IASC meeting (May 23rd-24th, 2024) at MARUM in Bremen, Germany. We kindly ask all those interested in an SPP-led research cruise to participate in the SPP Topic Workshop.

Registrations will be accepted until March 4th, 2024 (please use the registration form). Since the scientific topic of the expedition has yet to be determined, we also ask you to send possible overarching research ideas/questions to the SPP office by April 7th, 2024, by filling out the questionnaire. Questionnaire and registration to: spp-antarktisforschung(at)

2022 Topic Workshop in Bielefeld

After a hiatus of two years, due to the pandemic, this year saw the return of in-persona meetings. This included the SPP 1158 topic workshop on "Polar Genomics", which was held in Bielefeld from 16th till 18th of May 2022. Organized by Joe Hoffman and his team from the University of Bielefeld, the aim of the workshop was to bring together international researchers working on the genomics of polar organisms. Over the course of two and half days, 37 participants from six countries presented and discussed objectives, approaches and recent progress using genomic methods to study patterns of biodiversity, adaptations to the polar environment and responses to environmental changes in polar organisms. Presentations covered all organismal levels, from bacteria, algae, lichens, invertebrates, fish and birds to mammals, from terrestrial to marine habitats. Plenary lectures were delivered by Melody Clark (British Antarctic Survey/UK), Charlotte Havermans (AWI/Germany), and Kenneth M. Halanych (University of North Carolina Wilmington/USA).

The workshop presentations and lively discussions were complemented by a field trip to the Naturschutzgroßproject Senne near Bielefeld and an evening lecture on Ernest Shackletons polar adventures by Oliver Krüger, Bielefeld University.

Here you find the agenda of the Topic Workshop 2022.

2019 Topic Workshop in Rostock

This years' SPP Topic Workshop on "Polar Coasts and Processes" took place on June 3rd and 4th, 2019, at the University of Rostock, International Guest House. Responsible for the planning and organisation of the workshop was the coordination team at Rostock University, Ulf Karsten, Angelika Graiff and Svenja Heesch. The focus was on geomorphology, environmental change, local consequences and coastal observation networks. For this purpose, speakers from various disciplines were invited and experiences exchanged. Afterwards breakout groups worked on and discussed four important topics, such as polar coastal biodiversity, terrestrial-marine exchange processes and biogeochemical cycling in polar coastal regions under global change scenarios. The identified deficits as well as assessments and future developments concerning polar coasts will be presented in a position paper.

Here you find the agenda of the Topic Workshop 2019.

2018 Topic Workshop in Oberpfaffenhofen

This year's topic workshop on "Big Data & Polar Research" took place on 7-8 May 2018 at the Microwaves and Radar Institute at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR )in Oberpfaffenhofen. Matthias Braun and Boris Koch, the two sub-area coordinators, were  responsible for the planning and design of the workshop.

The focus was on remote sensing, data integration and modelling. For this purpose, speakers from various disciplines were invited and experiences exchanged. Afterwards breakout groups worked on and discussed four important topics: "(raw) data management", "process efficiency", "data evaluation / data services" and "improvement of expertise". The deficits identified in the breakout groups, as well as assessments and future developments, will be presented and discussed in a white paper.

Here you will find the agenda of the topic workshop.

Summary of the 2015 Topic Workshop in Göttingen

At this year's topic workshop near Göttingen there were three overarching topics: "Molecular Methods in Polar Research", "Habitat Modelling" and "Carbon Cycle in the Southern Ocean". These topics were discussed in depth in small groups and the results were summarised for the entire group. The discussion dealt with ideas for important future scientific questions in Antarctica and how a better cooperation of the different disciplines can be implemented.

Here are the summaries of the three topics.